6 Reasons to Visit the Beach in Fall

I know what you are thinking - summer is over, winter is coming, and fast, the dreams of sparkly fun-filled warm beaches are slowly fading away... or are they? Well, let me bring those dreams back in the focus for you. Referred to as “Velvet Season” in some parts of the world, Fall can be a magical time to visit the beach, if done right. Here are some of the reasons your Fall beach vacation could be one to remember:
Perfect Weather
We love a bright sunny day on the beach, but sweltering temperatures can be pretty overwhelming after a while. The cool temperatures in the Fall, while providing the same bright sunshine, will make spending long hours on the beach more enjoyable.
Warmer Water
The heat of the summer causes the water to warm up, and by the autumn, it may even be warmer than it was in August! Did you know that October is the month when the water off of Aruba's stunning beaches is the warmest? The same may be said for its neighbor Curacao.
No Crowds
Most of us are still probably a bit apprehensive of large crowds, and some of us have always been so. Whatever the case may be, you will have lots more room to play and lounge wherever you go, as most people leave after Labor Day. The beach is your oyster!
Locals often come out to play after the conclusion of the tourist season. With beautiful weather along the gulf coast, there are interesting autumn festivities from Texas to Alabama—especially if you like shrimp! And although beer enthusiasts have already booked their calendars for Oktoberfest, why not have a drink near the beach?
Flat waves are a common occurrence throughout the summer months, which may be a significant disappointment for visiting surfers. Autumn is when the waves start to pick up, and you may have excellent wind conditions and warm water all the way up until November.
More Sea Shells and Sea Glass and Driftwood
Fall tides and increasing drafts bring new shells, driftwood, and sea glass to the shore. Coupled with the thining fall crowd eliminating much of your competition, your chances of finding your own personal ocean treasure increase dramatically.